Sunday, May 3, 2020

Wheeling Through the "A-Maze-ing" Sledd's U-Pick Farm

You've probably heard the saying "April showers bring May flowers." This is so true at Sledd's U-Pick Farm in Mims, where there is a sunflower maze that covers more than four acres. My parents and I went there yesterday, a beautiful spring day. I was amazed by what appeared to be endless fields of sunflowers taller than I am. The dirt path was wide enough for my wheelchair to maneuver through the maze. (If you can't walk long distances, you should take your wheelchair with you. Service animals are allowed.)

The admission fee at Sledd's U-Pick Farm is $5 for everyone over the age of three. For additional charges, visitors with their own scissors and containers can cut sunflowers and pick some fruits and vegetables to take home; they can also have lunch. This farm is a wonderful place for a family outing as well as a photo shoot. For more information and updates, go to its Facebook page at

I in the sunflower maze
(Photo by Tracy Jensen-McGrath)

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